Tuesday, 11 August 2015 18:29

Travel in Bangladesh

After half an hour of waiting, the train load of people, both inside and outside, is allocated to the next village.. Latecomers try to climb on the train in some way.

Published in Travelers
Saturday, 08 August 2015 04:02


One shot on the train from Varkala to Kanyakumari: the Sleeper Class. Fortunately not very crowded, as it often happens in India. So, as a first experience of an Indian train wasn't bad. Ok, there are some cockroach around, but think of them as fellow travelers.

Published in Travelers
Saturday, 08 August 2015 03:18


Among the streets of Melbourne you will meet many street artists. The busking in this city is very famous and animates the city with music and entertainments.

Published in City Life
Saturday, 08 August 2015 03:14

Sadarghat People

Sadarghat is the old district of Dhaka near the famous shipyard. The streets of this area are impressively crowded and noisy, really a continuous flow of people and rikshò: a raging river. On these roads will be almost hard to walk and you will need to do the slalom in narrow passages.. The road becomes the sidewalk and viceversa.

Published in City Life
Friday, 07 August 2015 10:03

Who is the photographer?

Why are you a photographer? for what? This is an important question that sooner or later you have to make to yourself. One of the days spent in Amritsar made me understand more, an aspect that I love about photography.

Published in Tales of a journey
Friday, 07 August 2015 09:46

White Tricky Smile

This is one of the boatmen of the shipyard in Sadarghat. Once I arrived here I was approached by a man at the entrance.. supposedly nothing strange. This people are famous for their hospitality and there is always someone who wants to have a chat. This time there was something different and I've noticed it immediately.

Published in Tales of a journey
Tuesday, 04 August 2015 23:25

Thoughts of a passenger

One shot taken on the streets of Colombo .. An ordinary woman, an ordinary day, the thoughts of the daily life, while waiting to return home after a day of work.

Published in Travelers
Tuesday, 04 August 2015 12:23


The train station of Dhaka is always busy and populated. The trains of Bangladesh are quite known to be.. a bit crazy.. always in late and super crowded.

Published in Travelers
Tuesday, 04 August 2015 11:23

Fisherman House

This is a small island nearby Hoi An where the electricity is available only few hours each day. An island where the most of the people are fishermen. This is an house of one of them where a man was working on his net..

Published in Far from the city
Friday, 31 July 2015 00:12


Published in Portraits